Risk Management APS
In order to achieve the Company's vision, PT Angkasa Pura Suport is committed to adhering the standards of Good Corporate Governance by implementing Risk Management in every business activity to manage various uncertainties as an integral part of the Company's strategy. Implementing Risk Management refers to Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Regulation Number PER-2/MBU/03/2023 dated March 24, 2023, regarding Pedoman Tata Kelola dan Kegiatan Korporasi Signifikan Badan Usaha Milik Negara.
Risk Management
Risk Management PT Angkasa Pura Suport is managed by the Risk Management Department under Directorate of Finance and Risk Management.

Risk Management APS
PT Angkasa Pura Support has developed the Risk Management guidelines in 2021 using the standard framework ISO 31000:2018; Risk Management - Guidelines referring to the International Organization for Standardization - which provides principles, framework, and risk management processes as the architecture for effective risk management implementation. The Risk Management architecture is as follows:
PT Angkasa Pura Support has developed the Risk Management guidelines in 2021 using the standard framework ISO 31000:2018; Risk Management - Guidelines referring to the International Organization for Standardization - which provides principles, framework, and risk management processes as the architecture for effective risk management implementation. The Risk Management architecture is as follows:

